Amanda Viraphol is a certified hypnotherapist, coach and neurolinguistic programming practitioner specializing in helping her clients reprogram unwanted thoughts, feelings and behaviors resulting from traumatic experiences.

Her life mission is to help her clients gain control and independence from the trauma the resides in them.

She helps clients find their inner potential and achieve their dreams. She uses the most direct approach to address both the internal and external factors that affect personal growth.

A certified Hypnotherapist from Centre of Excellence and Neuro-Linguistic Programming ,with Kain Ramsay, instructor of Modern Applied Psychology & Personal Development. She continued her education by mentoring with Dr. Amy Rosner, Clinical Hypnotherapist and Master Hypnotic Coach.

Hello! Amanda, here!

      If you are still reading this then I want to thank you for taking the time to really get to know me.

After I healed from my childhood trauma, I had one of those moments where I wished I could have started way sooner. Culturally, mental health is seen as a weakness so, I just ignored the struggles and walked in a fog by myself for decades.  I’ve always wanted to maintain a healthy relationship with myself, but I didn’t know how.

Until one day, my mother introduced me to Dr. Amy Rosner, Clinical Hypnotherapist and Master Hypnotic Coach. Look, I was very skeptical about hypnotherapy, and I told myself this isn’t for me. I was turned off by the thought I would have to submit myself to someone, so they can control me. Well, I was completely wrong because that is NOT hypnotherapy (Learn more here). I had proof in front of me because my mother did hypnotherapy. My mother was a completely different person, she was calm and happy.

The day, I met Dr. Amy Rosner, she didn’t pressure me to sign up, she told me that I would know when I’m ready to come in. Three months later, I made my first appointment because I was desperate; in pain and falling apart. It was the best investment I ever made! My income tripled, I made healthy boundaries and I finally loved myself.  I’m not a victim to these feeling or events that happened in my life. I’m a survivor from the people I thought were my friends and family. I experienced cultural abuse, child abuse, sexual abuse, physical abuse, and emotional abuse.

I am more than my trauma, because I am, Amanda Viraphol.  Since, I’ve gone through my own growing pains, I can say that anybody can do it, with the start of willingness. When times feel impossible, just remember that.

 “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’! – Audrey Hepburn”.

Fun Facts about me

  • Arizona is my home and I love it here. Our winters are beautiful and if we want to see snow; I just drive 2 hours up north to see snow. If I want to see some trees, I just drive two hours north east to see greenery. Yes, AZ does get hot, but I can handle the dry heat. I believe Arizona is perfect to visit anytime in late October - early March.

  • My husband and I have been together since 2008. He is an Oklahoman, who moved to Arizona to follow his dream career ,but instead he found me! He is my best friend; he helped me raise my two youngest siblings and now, we are trying for our own family. We conquered the recession together and continued to work hard to keep up with our mental health. Marriage has been really fun and our goal is to always have a healthy relationship with each other.

  • I’m the first American born child and grandchild in my family. I was raised in a family with very strict Cambodian and Chinese traditions and expectations. My family wished I was born a male, because they believe that men are the providers for the whole family. Well, I told them there is a reason I was born as a female to show everyone that the eldest daughter can do everything an eldest son can do in America.

  • If anyone asks me what I do for a living, I tell them that I specialize in human relations. I coached many adolescences and young adults most of my career and my passion is working with children of all ages.

    I started working with my mom at the age of twelve as a janitor which I did till college. Then, I learned how to renovate homes at the age of 15.

    Most of my career, I’ve managed companies in the food industry and the beauty industry. I worked and owned a salon in the nail industry for over eight years.

    Currently, I own a handyman business with my husband. Which, I introduced my husband to home renovation in 2008 and now we do it together.

    Today, I concentrate on my Hypnotherapy business because my life’s goal is to help guide others to find their happiness.

  • My hobbies are watching Anime, Disney Animations, Marvel, Christmas movies, and Musicals.

    Photography and videography makes me happy. I enjoy photoshopping and editing video. My photography is Fantasy Photography.